ALFA opens up membership base

The Association of Litigation Funders of Australia (ALFA) has announced that it is opening up its membership base to include Honorary and Associate Members.

  • Honory membership will be open to an academic individual or body corporate who agrees to comply with the constitution and the rules and best practice guidelines of the association.

  • Associate membership will be open to any body corporate or government entity that has an interest or involvement in litigation funding and who agrees to comply with the constitution and the rules and best practice guidelines of the association.

The chair of ALFA , John Walker, said that he was thrilled to see such an overwhelming interest in the new membership structure of ALFA.

There has been such excitement and positivity surrounding the new membership structure of ALFA and we are grateful to all those companies and individuals who jumped on board so quickly, including, the Banton Group, Cornwalls, Epiq, Johnson, Winter & Slattery, Korda Mentha, Mayweathers, McGrath Nicol, Piper Alderman and William Roberts Lawyers. We have a number of exciting projects that are being worked on by the Funder Members and we look forward to working with all of the ALFA members to advance ALFA’s primary purpose to facilitate the enhancement of the Australian Litigation Funding Industry,” Mr Walker.