Charles Kotuby joins Deminor’s investment committee

Charles Kotuby Jr. has joined the Investment Committee of Deminor.

Kotuby is a Professor of Practice at the University of Pittsburgh Law School and an Honorary Professor of Law at Durham Law School. He is also the Executive Director of Pitt’s Center for International Legal Education and continues to act as counsel and arbitrator in a select number of international disputes

Previously he worked for the law firm Jones Day in Washington D.C. for 17 years where he was a partner in its Global Disputes Practice. Charles’s practice was focused on international litigation, commercial and investment arbitration, and judicial support for international proceedings. His expertise covers both common and civil law systems and international law. He appeared as counsel before some of the highest courts including the US Supreme Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union. He was also lead counsel in matters brought before ICSID and ad hoc UNCITRAL tribunals.

Charles Demoulin, Deminor’s Chief Investment Officer, commented: “We are all delighted to have Charles joining our Investment Committee and contributing his outstanding expertise to our activities. His international experience and his ability to master legal and factual issues involved in complex disputes in various jurisdictions is a perfect match for Deminor’s global presence and ambitions, especially in light of the increasing diversification of our investment portfolio. Deminor has long been known for picking the right cases to fund. With Charles among us, this will only become even more the case.”