Funder-backed collective claim launched in Italy

Bench Walk Advisors is backing a new collective claim in Italy that is based on a 2019 Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) decision.

On 17 July 2019, the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM – Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato) concluded a complex investigation, resulting in the ascertainment of two cartel agreements, set up to distort normal competition in the markets for corrugated cardboard and corrugated cardboard packaging.

The cartels involve the most important manufacturers of corrugated cardboard sheets and packaging, as well as the Italian group of corrugated cardboard manufacturers (GIFCO). In consideration of the seriousness and duration of the conduct, the Authority imposed fines of over € 287 million, paving the way for actions claiming compensation for damage suffered by direct and indirect purchasers of the cartelists.

The bookbuilding and damage assessments for the case are being delivered by Libra.

The legal and litigation services are being delivered by Delex.