Funding sought for arbitration claim against quasi-governmental entity

Funding is required for a claim involving a concession held by a state-of-the-art industrial facility utilizing leading technologies to recycle used tires into rubber raw material, rubber compound, and value-added rubber end products. The concession agreement is between the plaintiff and a quasi-governmental entity in the GCC region. The claim is likely to be the subject of an ICC arbitration.

We have strong evidence to show breaches of the concession agreement, including delays by the respondent(s) in facilitating land ownership (Building Permit) and providing utility services as required for the project; and failure to provide a minimum quantity of tires as stipulated in the agreement.

Approximately USD 1 million funding is required. Sunk costs plus interest are circa USD 10 million but a higher figure can be supported based on a DCF calculation of lost profits.

Please contact Peter Petyt of 4 Rivers at [email protected] urgently if you wish to discuss this opportunity further.