LCM backs class action against Google and DeepMind Technologies

Litigation Capital Management Limited has announced that it has entered into a litigation finance agreement for a new representative claim.

The finance agreement is to fund a new representative action in the High Court of Justice of England & Wales brought on behalf of up to 1.6 million individuals against Google and DeepMind Technologies for the unlawful use of patients’ confidential medical records.

The claim is for the misuse of private information and arises out of an arrangement formed in 2015 between Google and DeepMind and the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust. The tech companies obtained and used a substantial number of confidential and private medical records without patients’ knowledge or consent.

The claim is being brought by Mishcon de Reya.

Ben Lasserson, Partner at Mishcon de Reya said: “This claim is particularly important as it should provide some much-needed clarity as to the proper parameters in which technology companies can be allowed to access and make use of private health information.

Patrick Moloney, CEO of LCM, commented: “LCM has a long and deep experience in funding large scale actions, many of which would not be possible without litigation funding. As pioneers of the industry, we are well-placed to support the claim in this action.