Litigation Capital Management reports strong fiscal year

Litigation Capital Management has reported a strong fiscal year in the 12 months to 30 June 2022. Highlights include:

  • Fund I fully committed and two thirds of the targeted US$300m raised for Fund II with commitments commenced;

  • A year over year increase in investment performance with adjusted operating profit improving by 23% to A$20m;

  • Overall commitments were in line with the prior year at A$104m, while applications decreased from 572 to 442;

  • Commitments increased to A$414m by 30 June 2022, with further commitments in Fund II bringing assets under management to A$452m at 31 August 2022;

  • Total capital invested decreased from A$88m to A$66m; and

  • an 11-year cumulative internal rate of return of 79% and cumulative return on invested capital of 163%, inclusive of losses.