Nivalion and Litigium Capital enter into strategic partnership in the Nordics

Switzerland-based litigation funder Nivalion and Sweden-based funder Litigium Capital have entered into a strategic partnership. The partnership comprises funding of disputes and provision of legal financing solutions in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden as well as financing Nordic clients globally. Within the scope of the partnership, Nivalion and Litigium Capital will work closely together on a non-exclusive basis and aim to co-fund cases of all sizes.

Stefan Kirsten, Nivalion’s Global Head of Origination, says, “The Nordics have been a key growth area for Nivalion for years and a market we appreciate for many reasons. Having worked together with Litigium Capital on several joint projects with great satisfaction, we are thrilled to announce this next step. We are firmly convinced that this partnership is a great match, and we look forward to driving the continued development of the Nordic legal finance market, making Northern Europe another stronghold for Nivalion.”

Thony Lindström Härdin, CEO and co-founder of Litigium Capital, says, “We are honoured to join forces with Nivalion, which in our view has the leader jersey within legal financing in Continental Europe. The cooperation thus far has been a win-win and we have no doubt that a partnership will be highly beneficial for the Nordic market as a whole. We see a strong and growing interest for our services from all Nordic countries and expect an exciting journey ahead.”