Restitution Announces it will Collaborate to Return Looted Funds through Litigation

Restitution, a UK-based litigation funder, last week announced that it will collaborate with Affirmative Repositioning movement (AR), a youth political movement in Namibia, to return millions of allegedly stolen money through corrupt dealings.

According to the joint statement, Restitution’s work will include providing support to AR on civil enforcement and asset recovery, including capacity-building support.

Restitution is the world’s first and only impact litigation fund dedicated to working with partners to trace and return illicit financial flows through civil litigation, enforcement and asset recovery.

Katherine Mulhern, the CEO of Restitution, explained that they help partners recover stolen assets so that people’s lives are improved in concrete ways.

“Restitution works with partners to develop claims which allow Restitution to deploy the most cutting-edge litigation funding models and the most sophisticated investigation and legal services for our clients while protecting those clients from litigation risk.”

Restitution ensures that the vast majority of the recovered assets are returned to their partners in a way that is both transparent and ensures alignment with their priorities.